【本處】 2025 企業參訪 NCHU x NUST Company visit ( CHBio / Ennostar )

【※ 此系列活動優先開放給外籍生!】
【※ The events are highly recommended to foreign students. 】
【※ 保證金匯款完成始報名成功!】
【※ Only after remitting your deposit can your application be secured! 】
【※ 報名截止時間 Registration deadline: Mar. 21st, 2025】
The form will be closed if the seats are fully booked before the deadline. 

✏️✏️ 點我報名 Sign up here! (Click me)  ✏️✏️

報名截止時間 Registration deadline: Mar. 21st, 2025

✨ Closed! Fully booked // Company 1: 【正瀚科技 CHBio】 ✨

成立於 2013 年,是一家世界級的農業生物科技產品研發公司。
Founded on November 29th, 2013, CH Biotech is a world-class R&D company in agricultural biotechnological products.
◆ 英文導覽  English Tour
◆ 人數限制 Participants: 20 only 
◆ 日期 Date:  Apr. 22nd (Tue.) 13:00 - 17:30
◆ 地點 Venue:南投市文獻路 89 號 Nantou County 
◆ 交通:Bus
◆ 報名費用 Registration fee: Free
◆ 提供餐盒 Lunch boxes are provided.
◆ 公司官網 Official Company Website: https://www.chbio.com.tw/en/

✨ Company 2:【 富采集團 Ennostar Group ( 晶元光電 EPISTAR 及 隆達電子 LEXTAR ) 】✨

富采集團是全球領先的 LED 製造商,自 1996 年創立以來,致力於推動固態照明技術的發展。
Ennostar is a leading global manufacturer of LEDs and has been committed to advancing solid-state lighting technology since its founding in 1996.
◆ 中文導覽,搭配英文口譯 Tour conducted in Mandarin with an interpreter  
◆ 日期 Date: May 28th (Wed.) 12:00 - 18:00
◆ 地點 Venue:  新竹市東區力行路 21 號 Hsinchu City
◆ 交通:Bus
◆ 報名費用 Registration fee: Free
◆ 提供餐盒 Lunch boxes are provided.
◆ 公司官網 Official Company Website: https://www.epistar.com/EpistarEn/index


交通 Transportation

我們免費提供遊覽車接送,共有兩個集合點,請從中擇一 :
1. 集合點一:中興大學行政大樓一樓前 集合發車。
2. 集合點二:台中高鐵站 6 號出口 集合發車。
3. 將依照最終集合點人數調整接駁,請以最終行前通知 email 為主。
Shuttle bus is provided.  There are 2 gathering points as below; please select one.
1. Gathering Point 1: NCHU Administration Hall, 1F. 
2. Gathering Point 2: Taichung High Speed Rail station No.6 Exit.
3. The shuttle bus is subject to change depending on the number of people at each meeting point. Please refer to the final pre-departure email. 


💵 須繳保證金 新台幣 300 元 / 1 個參訪 💵  A deposit of NT$300 for per visit is required.

1. 主辦方將於 email 繳款資訊,收到後請 3 日內 (工作天內) 匯款,未完成者將取消資格。
2. 主辦方僅接受線上匯款保證金
3. 主辦方核帳確認收到後,將發email通知。
4. 全程參與活動即全數退還。
5. 退款時,因學校作業需要,將跟同學們索要身分證號 & 退款帳戶。
6. 為方便對帳與後續退款作業,兩場次皆想參與者,請匯款兩次。

1. We will email the remittance info to you. After receiving, please remit the deposit within 3 days (workdays). If not, your application will be canceled.
2. We only accept online transfer for the deposit.
3. Once the organizer receives your deposit, a confirmation letter will be sent to you via email.
4. Only those who participate in the whole tour will be refunded.
5. [Attention!!] Due to school accounting regulations, we will need your ARC No and bank account when refunding.
6. If you wish to participate in two company visits, please wire NTD 300 TWO TIMES. 


【聯絡我們 Contact us】

國際處黃小姐 Miss. Huang,  Coordinator, NCHU OIA
Tel:(886)  04-22840206  ext.  41