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我的中興時代 國際關
Lady Gogo (represents “Global”) | Mr. Momo (represents “Mobile”) |
#成長於義大利熱亞那(Genova), 研讀西班牙文、德文、俄羅斯文、及英文 #熱愛旅遊、探索世界 #最近一站是造訪亞洲,她發現在這兒充滿了新鮮感及有趣的事物可以學習,也熱切的想學中文 #Born in Genova, Italy #Love to travel and experience the world #Asia is the latest destination, where I had learned a new language and discovered new things around every corner |
#在臺灣鄉下長大,父母親以務農維生 #喜歡閱讀、及看世界各國的電影和影集 #待人友善隨和,尤其喜歡和來臺灣的外國人聊天 #Born in a farmer’s family in Taiwan #Love to read books and watch TV shows from overseas #At ease to talk with people from all around the world when they visit Taiwan, and loves to show them the best places to eat and Taiwan's most delicious fruits! |