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馬來西亞 VS 印度,誰是最強廚神?當地講師親傳秘訣,分組競賽一決高下!
馬來西亞 VS 印度,誰是最強廚神?當地講師親傳秘訣,分組競賽一決高下!
🔥 Culinary Class Wars 🔥
Malaysia vs. India—who will be the ultimate master chef?
Malaysia vs. India—who will be the ultimate master chef?
Learn exclusive tips from local experts, team up, and compete for victory! 🏆
Whether you’re a kitchen rookie or a culinary pro, show off your skills, fight food waste,
Whether you’re a kitchen rookie or a culinary pro, show off your skills, fight food waste,
and cook for a better planet. Join us and claim the Culinary Class Wars title!
🌟 活動時間 :2025/04/19 (六) 10:00 – 16:00(9:45開始報到)
🌟 Event Time:19 April 2025, 10:00 AM - 4:00PM(Check-in starts at 9:45 AM)
🌟 活動地點:雲平樓1F 吧檯教室
🌟 Event Location:Yun Ping Building 1F Bar Classroom
🌟 活動費用:免費
🌟 Event fee:Free
🌟活動流程 (待更新) / Event Schedule (To Be Updated)
09:45-10:05 報到 / Check-in
10:05-10:10 開場 / Opening
10:10-10:40 印度料理文化分享 / Indian Culinary Culture Sharing
10:40-11:10 馬來西亞料理文化分享 / Malaysian Culinary Culture Sharing
11:10-12:00 游戲環節 / Game Session
12:00-13:00 午餐 / Lunch
13:00-15:00 製作料理、厨藝比拼 / Cooking & Culinary Competition
15:00-15:15 成品交流、講評 / Dish Presentation & Feedback
15:15-15:30 頒獎、合照 / Award Ceremony & Group Photo
10:05-10:10 開場 / Opening
10:10-10:40 印度料理文化分享 / Indian Culinary Culture Sharing
10:40-11:10 馬來西亞料理文化分享 / Malaysian Culinary Culture Sharing
11:10-12:00 游戲環節 / Game Session
12:00-13:00 午餐 / Lunch
13:00-15:00 製作料理、厨藝比拼 / Cooking & Culinary Competition
15:00-15:15 成品交流、講評 / Dish Presentation & Feedback
15:15-15:30 頒獎、合照 / Award Ceremony & Group Photo
💡Cutlery will not be provided, please prepare your own food ware (container and cup).
生機四 任霆(Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它)
獸醫二 林子壹 (Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它)