姊妹校法國波爾多蒙田大學-Visiting scholars 2021/2022 at Bordeaux Montaigne University


Every year, Bordeaux Montaigne University host our “Visiting Scholar” program, where foreign university teachers and teacher researchers, from partner universities as well as non-partner universities are invited.  

11 Visiting Professors will have the possibility to be fully part of the University Bordeaux Montaigne community in 2022. They are expected to dedicate most of their time to their ongoing research, possibly in collaboration with colleagues of the UBM during two events, both directly related to their research project: a lecture given within the framework of an inaugural event, as well as a public lecture at the Doctoral School.

They may also consider, if they wish, other activities related to their research projects (e.g. experiential teaching, creative interventions, field activities, master classes). They are also strongly encouraged to meet UBM faculty members and PhD candidates who work in their field.

The Visiting Professors program is financed by the French Ministry of National Education and by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research in order to fund stays dedicated to research and teaching. It is open to applicants whose research and/or teaching interests are in keeping with those of the UBM.


  • 訪問學者義務:需提供4小時課程(詳細資訊如附件指引)。
  • 可申請訪問時間: from February to April and October to December 2022
  • 申請資格: 1.教授年齡需小於67歲(包含整個交流期間)。2. 非居住或工作於法國教育研究機構的研究人員
  • 申請方式: 線上申請 (詳細資訊參閱附件指引;如完成申請請一併附知國際處鄭小姐Christina [yccheng@nchu.edu.tw])。
  • 申請截止日: November 7th, 2021
  • 相關詳細資訊: https://www.u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr/en/preparing-for-your-stay/international-colleagues/international-scholar-professor/visiting-scholars.html
  • 姊妹校連絡窗口: Anna-Karin Boberg (anna-karin.boberg@u-bordeaux-montaigne.fr)