Taiwan - New Southbound Policy Project

The “New Southbound Policy Project” proposed by the Ministry of Education (MoE) adopts a people-oriented approach and aims to foster bilateral exchange and mutual sharing of resources:

  • Through a variety of cooperative courses and resources to attract international talents and strengthen the mutual relationship between the two parties,
  • To lead our colleges and universities to develop substantive educational exchanges with ASEAN and South Asian countries, and
  • To deepen the interaction and cooperative relationship between the two parties, and achieve the vision of creating a mutually beneficial talent training collaboration and regional economic development.

Taiwan’s colleges and universities are encouraged to increase their student enrollment from the New Southbound countries which currently only have a small number of students studying in Taiwan. The goal of this program is to develop substantial educational exchanges with ASEAN and South Asian countries and deepen the interaction and cooperative relationship between the two sides.

Through short-term academic and cultural experience activities, attracts students from New Southbound countries to study, teach and experience culture in Taiwan.

Provides students with more opportunities to take Southeast Asian language courses and enhance their international competitiveness.

The school cooperates with the New Southbound countries to organize academic activities such as academic conferences, seminars, forums, and workshops.

Master's and Doctor's degree courses are offered for talents required by key industries in Taiwan or the New Southbound countries. Dual degree courses are also offered in the form of joint cultivation with the local top industries, universities, and research institutions.

*Please note this is a funding project that applications needs to be written in Chinese. 
If you need to acquire further information , please CLICK HERE.

Main Contact:
Ms. Tsai
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