2024 Summer School Information

NCHU Summer School makes your summer bright and shiny!

Our Summer school covers various fields, including Law and Politics, Engineering, and Liberal Arts.
By combining diverse professional courses with Taiwanese cultural experiences,
this program provides an excellent opportunity to build an international perspective. 
You can enhance your academic abilities while experiencing an unique cultural landscape.

All courses are credit-bearing, except for the summer school workshop
organized by the Advanced Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences.

We welcome everyone to join and participate!

If you want to experience a summer unlike any other and create a fulfilling, unforgettable and brilliant summer,
don't miss this year's Summer School!

( Please click on the posters of each college/department below to register!)

List of 2024 Summer School Courses

College of Liberal Arts (July 9 ~July 11)

( To Be Announced )
College of Law and Politics

【Click to apply! 】

College of Engineering

【Click to apply!】
Advanced Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences
Workshop (Non-credit)

【Click to apply!】