Campus Life - Student Activities

For more pictures please refer to IPC Facebook Fan Pag

Activity Subject Pictures

Welcome Party for 

International students

Meeting with joy, Introduction of the IPC

Campus tour for new students

Get to know the campus activity

Cultural trips Introduction of cultural attractions/get to know Taiwan


Graduation Ceremony Appreciation tea party of the graduates
Advisor meeting Mentor/senior/freshmen/study partners’ meeting
NCUH Anniversary International Students' Parade  
International Week

The implementations of various cultural days or cultural festivals for each country

Culture sharing Share the culture with others

Cultural festivals
Winter solstice, Christmas、Hallowen, and so on    


India's biggest and most important holiday of the year
Songkran Festival Celebrate Khmer New Year     
Eid al-Fitr A smaill gathering after Eid al-Fitr
Farewell Party For Exchange Students and graduate

For more information please refer to IPC Facebook Fan Pag