【Forwarded】Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU) - Aboriginal biodiversity and culture workshop for international students in Taiwan
Aboriginal biodiversity and culture workshop for international students in Taiwan
Event time:Nov 26 (Fri) 12:00 pm - Nov 28 (Sun) 5:00 pm
◆集合地點:高雄醫學大學同盟路校門口 (地點: 22.6489, 120.3103)
Meet-and-greet location:Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU) Tongmeng Rd Entrance (Pin on the map: 22.6489, 120.3103)
Event location:Namasia District, Kaohsiung City
Fee:Free for all admitted applicants. (NOTE: We do not cover transportation between Kaohsiung and the participant's city of residence.
Nor do we cover lodging on the night of Nov 28 after the event should the participant decide to stay in Kaohsiung)
Who can apply:14 International students at any university in Taiwan
Application deadline:Nov 18 (Thu) 5:00 pm. Application form : https://reurl.cc/V5lgZQ
1. 完成報名不等同實際活動錄取
2. 110/11/20(六)前會mail通知錄取者行前通知及攜帶物品 完成報名不等同實際活動錄取
Special notes:
1. Registration alone does not guarantee enrollment.
2. We will notify admitted applicants by email before Nov 20 (Sat).
KMU Sustainable Development for Namasia District and Kaohsiung Aboriginal Areas
鄭郁樺助理.電話:(07) 3121101#2381;聯絡信箱:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Have questions? Contact:Yu-Hua Cheng/E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.