The Result of Admitted Exchange Student for Academic Year
2025 Spring
The information regarding transportation and living in NCHU, please refer to STUDY at NCHU. ( The 2024/2025 International Student Handbook will be provided in January .) There is a lot of information that you may need to know before you come to our campus. Please read it carefully before arriving in Taiwan.
Please Confirm your acceptance at Following link by 22 December, 2024:
List of Result
First Name | Last Name | Home Institution | Host College | Host Department/ Lab | |
M***m | Loderstedt | Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg | College of Engineering | Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering | |
Y***n | Lee | Myongji University | College of Liberal Arts | Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures | |
Ch***ri | Ito | The University of Shiga Prefecture | College of Liberal Arts | Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures | |
M**a | Moras | Université Bordeaux Montaigne | College of Liberal Arts | Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures | |
G**a | Prest | Université Bordeaux Montaigne | College of Liberal Arts | Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures | |
F***ins R. | Catapang | UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES LOS BAÑOS | College of Liberal Arts | Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures | |
N***la | Janakievski | Technische Universität Dresden | College of Life Sciences | Institute of Genomics and Bioinformatics | |
M***am | El Guezar | Ca' Foscari University of Venice | College of Law and Politics | International Master Program in Asia and China Studies | |
D****il Mattia | Fall | Ca' Foscari University of Venice | College of Science | Department of Physics | |
L** | Grigny | Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | Department of Animal Science | |
Y***i | Wang | Chiang Mai University | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | Department of Animal Science | |
P****wanit | Apithanasakulngeon | Kasetsart University | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | Department of Plant Pathology | |
Th***achot | Phumkaew | Maejo University | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | Department of Applied Economics | |
Ch***phat | Yaemyang | Maejo University | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | Department of Applied Economics | |
B***ca | Sgarbossa | Ca' Foscari University of Venice | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | International Bachelor Program of Agribusiness (All English-taught) | |
K***Min | Park | Chungnam National University | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | International Bachelor Program of Agribusiness (All English-taught) | |
H***i Efe | Özyıldırım | Erzurum Technical University | College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | |
A***i | Naringe | Symbiosis International (Deemed University) | College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | |
S***d | Baligeri | Symbiosis International (Deemed University) | College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | |
A**a | Dhole | Symbiosis International (Deemed University) | College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | Department of Computer Science and Engineering | |
Th**h Vân | Ngô | University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City | College of Management | Department of Business Administration | |
Tu *** Thu | Hoang | University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City | College of Management | Department of Business Administration | |
F***cesco | Fabbrino | Ca' Foscari University of Venice | College of Management | Department of Business Administration | |
P***i | Iisakka | University of Vaasa | College of Management | Department of Marketing | |
Gowri *** Sankar | Pentela | Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology | College of Engineering | Optics Imaging Laboratory | |
Dik****ta | Nepal | University of Cincinnati | College of Engineering | Department of Mechanical Engineering | |
P***s | Purba | IPB University (Bogor Agricultural University) | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | Ruminant Nutrition and Production System | |
D*** Jerry | Salaw | UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES LOS BAÑOS | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | Multitrophic Interaction Lab (Department of Entomology) | |
Ka Y***g | Won | Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry | College of Veterinary Medicine | Molecular Virology (Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Public Health) | |
Huynh ***** Doan | Nguyen | Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry | College of Veterinary Medicine | Molecular Virology (Graduate Institute of Microbiology and Public Health) |
List of Results- Taiwan-Europe Connectivity Scholarship (The evaluation is based on Priority Ranking and Finalised Quotas)
First Name | Last Name | Home Institution | Host College | Host Department/ Lab | |
Bao ** Nhi | Le | Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences | College of Liberal Arts | Graduate Institute of Taiwan Literature and Transnational Cultural Studies | |
S***h | Peissig | University of Tübingen | College of Life Sciences | Endocrine and Cancer Lab (Department of Life Sciences) | |
Mar***a | Sartorato | Ca' Foscari University of Venice | College of Law and Politics | International Master Program in Asia and China Studies | |
Jonathan **** Tobias | Schrohe | Technische Universität Dresden | College of Science | Department of Physics | |
W****ria | Górecka | Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences | |
A***e | Bader | Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | Department of Animal Science | |
L***s | Forss | Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | International Bachelor Program of Agribusiness (All English-taught) | |
M***line | Gloux | L'institut Agro Rennes-Angers | College of Agriculture and Natural Resources | International Master Program in Agriculture (All English-taught) | |
O***er | Sundström | University of Vaasa | College of Management | Department of Marketing |