International Scholars - Faculty Exchange Program

Programs Open for Application

Warsaw University of Life Sciences

a. Staff Exchange

1. Duration:Visiting professor must provide min. 60 hours of lectures during one academic year.
2. Application Documents:

It is strongly suggested to establish contact with hosting institude by the interested academic staff in advance in order to jointly agree necessary details of study.

  • CV including information about the citizenship
  • list of most important scientific achievements, including a list of recent publications
  • teaching program
  • proposed dates of teaching activities

3. Grab Subsidy:Visiting professor can be fully financed by the hosting institute or co-financed by the Rector.
4. Application Date:30 April of the academic year preceding the academic year
5. More Information:academic matchabout the program


b. Prom Program (Suspended Application)

1. SGGW offers international teaching staff participation in PROM Program via National Agency for the Academic        Exchange (depending on budget availability): financing of short forms of education: internship/conference/summer school.

2. More information about the program


Partner Universities

List of partner universities to exchange via this program:

Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Opole University

Atatürk University

Banat's University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Timisoara


Contact information

If you are willing to take a visit, please contact Ms. Cheng( tel. 22840206#22, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)