NUST Event - Agricultural Exploration

Explore Taiwan agricultural industry with professional guide and make friends with other international students.

Target: Students and faculty from NUST
Fee: Free with NTD 1,000 deposit 
* To complete the registration, please pay deposit NTD 1,000 by 31 July → How to pay the deposit
**If you cancel after July 31, the deposit will NOT be refunded.
Date: 2024.08.28(Wed.) - 08.30(Fri.)
Registration Deadline: 2024.07.26(Fri.)
Quota: 60 partcipants

>>SIGN UP Right Now<<

Topic: 🧉Tea
We are going to see tea processing and recognition of tea. Moreover, going around the famous place of tea - Sun Moon Lake.
Part of the trip might need to walk more than 30 mins. Please confirm whether your physical condition is suitable

* Event including 3 meals/day (not including breakfast of DAY1 and dinner of the last day) and accomodation.
** Registered on a first-come-first-served basis. If the quota for the trips is full, the registration form will be closed early.
*** There will be a random room arrangement. You might be arranged stay with a student you do not know in one room (the same gender).

Contact Person: Ms. Chang (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


2023 Agricultural Exploration
2022 Agricultural Exploration