To celebrate the "Dragon Boat Festival" and develop "sports for all" purpose, the Changhua Country Government hosts the International Dragon Boat Race and invite all overseas students to sign up for the competition.  Each team should be included one leader, coach, manager, helmsman respectively and 22 players.  Students who interested to form a team and sign up for the event, please contact Ms. April from OIA via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Click here for more information

為歡慶端午佳節,彰化縣政府訂於112年6月22日至24日在福鹿溪水道舉辦「2023鹿港慶端陽系列活動-國際龍舟錦標賽」,歡迎外籍師生組成國際組報名參賽, 每組人數至少為22人(外生需至少7人),有興趣報名的僑外生學生可寫信至This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.洽詢報名。
